Friday, February 7, 2014

Weekly Update
We began Unit 4 in Lead 21. This week we learned that soil, air, water, plants, animals, and rocks are some of earth’s natural resources. We discussed how we can conserve those natural resources by recycling, turning off the water while brushing our teeth, and by throwing less things into the garbage.

This week we introduced homophones as a vocabulary strategy to help us with our reading. When you read out of your child’s reading folders at home, ask your child to identify any homophones in his/her book.
* Homophones are 2-3 words that SOUND the same, but have DIFFERENT meanings & spellings *
too   two   to
sea   see
by   bye   buy
which   witch
won   one

If you “liked” our Crestwood Elementary Class 1B Facebook page you probably saw our Animoto videos that we created about cities. If you did not get to see them, check them out below:

Have you signed up for PT Conferences? Some families have been experiencing difficulties with the link provided. PLEASE call or email me if you would like me to schedule your child’s conference!! I am excited to meet with each family to discuss the progress of your child!

A Peek at Next Week:
Monday: Library
Tuesday: Art
Wednesday: P.E.
Thursday: Music
Friday: P.E.

A Look Ahead:
Monday, February 17th: NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, February 18th: 1 Hour Early Out
* PT Conferences *
Thursday, February 18th: 1 Hour Early Out
* PT Conferences *
Friday, February 21st: NO SCHOOL

Wednesday, February 26th: 3 Hour Early Dismissal