Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!!

The End to Another Busy Week!!
This week has been quite eventful! We have been busy in reading, writing, and math! This week we discussed President’s Day and Valentine’s Day in addition to our regular schedule!

In Lead 21, we continued talking about Earth’s Natural Treasures. We added to our web of knowledge. Check it out below:

This week we discussed “making connections” and 3 different ways to connect what we are reading in school to our own lives:
Text to Self: Is when we relate what we are reading to an experience we remember in our own lives.
Text to Text: Is when we relate what we are reading to another book that we have read!
Text to World: Is when we relate what we are reading to a vacation we took, a movie we watch, or something we saw on the internet.
 Brock and Bryce are Making Connections to one of their Lead 21 books:

In addition to this comprehension strategy, we learned that ANTONYMS are when two words have opposite meanings. An antonym is the opposite of a synonym. Here are some of our examples that we came up with this week:
up    down
big    small
hot    cold

In math, we are constantly learning new strategies to make us more proficient in adding and subtracting. This week, we continued our practice with adding “doubles.”

We know that 2+2=4 and that 3+3=6. Our new strategy is that sometimes we can look at our doubles facts to help us learn that doubles + 1 equals 1 more. For example:
3+3=6 SO… 3+4=7
4+4=8 SO... 4+5=9
5+5=10 SO… 5+6=11

Let’s Look Ahead to Next Week:

Tuesday: Art
* 1 Hour Early Dismissal *
Parent Teacher Conferences

Wednesday: P.E.
Thursday: Music
* 1 Hour Early Dismissal *
Parent Teacher Conferences