Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy Halloween!
Thank you to the parents who made our Halloween Celebration possible! Thanks to the Voyna’s for donating 4 carving pumpkins and many smaller pumpkins for decorating! Thanks to Michelle & David Ahern, Tom Williams, and Shereen Ries for helping carve pumpkins!

Here are a few of our pictures from this week:  

PT Conferences
I look forward to meeting with each of you on Monday or Thursday of next week! I sent a reminder of what day/time your child’s conference is scheduled for. Please let me know ASAP if that does not work! Please bring any questions with you. I will be sharing your child’s DIBELS and MAPS results with you!

I have never had a group of parents who work so well on homework with their child! I want to say “thank you” for being such attentive parents… Please continue setting your own “pace” for the activities that are being sent home.

Lead 21
We have begun our 2nd week of “On the Move.” This week, we are asking/answering:
How do things move and change?
To answer this question, we are discussing the physical movements of people and animals, we are also discussing weather, nature, etc.

We have begun our 3rd unit of study in math. In this unit, we will be looking more closely at visual patterns, number patterns, and counting. We have been discussing number patterns this week and have identified even/odd numbers. On Wednesday, we have math “explorations” and the kiddos were active and engaged in various math centers that allowed them to use their expertise to solve math problems!

Let’s Look at Next Week
Monday: Library
1 Hour Early Dismissal
PT Conferences

Tuesday: Art

Thursday: Music
1 Hour Early Dismissal
PT Conferences


Enjoy your 3 day weekend!!