Friday, October 25, 2013

On The Move
We began Theme 2 in Lead 21 this week! The question we are answering is “how do plants and animals grow and change?” We are currently reading a book about deserts and included are examples of certain plants and animals who live in the desert!

Would you like to know more about this theme? Log-in to the Lead 21 website using the username/password on the index card I sent home last week! Click on Unit 2 and take a virtual field trip, check out the books your child is reading, and interact in some of the games the website has to offer!

1. Carving Pumpkins for our Thursday Halloween celebration!
2. Parent Volunteers to help with carving at 10:15 on Thursday!
** Please contact me if you can help out!!

F.Y.I. The district is now requiring that all parents, grandparents, etc. complete a background check even to volunteer in the classroom, on a field trip, etc. even one time! If you are interested in helping out this school year but have not completed a background check, please let me know and I can send a background check home! If you are not sure whether you have completed a background check I can get you that information as well!

A Peek at Next Week:
Monday: Library
Tuesday: Art
Wednesday: No Special
* Report Cards Sent Home *
Thursday: Music
* Halloween Celebration *
Friday: P.E.

Please remember to log-in and sign up for PT Conferences!! If the program is not working for you, please let me know with either a call, email, or note what your day/time preferences are and I would be happy to schedule your conference! My Monday night is filling up fast!!
I look forward to meeting with you to discuss your child’s progress on either Monday, November 4th
Thursday, November 7th