Friday, November 22, 2013

Another busy week....

Lead 21
We are finishing our studies on theme 2 “On the Move.” This week we discussed how matter changes and used this opportunity to observe the three states of water (solid, liquid, and gas.) You might choose to do an activity this weekend with your child. Try melting ice (solid to liquid) and then boiling the water (liquid to gas)!

Next week we will begin our theme 2 inquiry project. Students will answer the question: “How does our world change?” Some groups will explain how plants or animals change while other groups might explain how matter or nature change!

In math we finished Unit 2. We will begin Unit 3 next week! Please see the math letter that will be coming home on Monday!

In social studies we are learning about Life Long Ago and studying how the pilgrims came to America and the struggles they faced. Next week we will discover the relationships the pilgrims made with the Native Americans!

How are your family turkey projects? We have 5 turkeys hung up in the hallway and it is fun to see the different designs! 
** Please send your child’s turkey back to school on MONDAY if you have not already! **

December Book Orders will be coming home soon! I am waiting for Scholastic to send me the orders and I will get them to you as soon as possible (as I know that many families like to order books for Christmas. If you place an order and you would like them to be Christmas presents, please let me know and I can hide them from your child! A $5.00 off coupon will be coming home with book orders as well! Let’s take advantage!

A Peek At Next Week:
Monday: Library CHECKOUT (no library class)
** Jaime Teahen Author Visit **

Tuesday: Art

Wednesday: 1 Hour Early Dismissal

Thursday & Friday

J Enjoy your weekend J